Hiking photos - White River, 2011/06/26

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This hike along (and through) the White River was a bit more of an adventure than usual - heavy rain three days earlier meant that the river was running higher than normal.

We all got fairly well soaked, but on such a hot day that wasn't such a bad thing. Our rope got some use as well, providing a bit of extra balance while crossing and marking the best route through some of the deeper sections.

Photos supplied by hikers Jannie R., Andrea M., and Ingo O. - thanks for risking your cameras to take a few snaps!

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

The first crossing - a taste of things to come.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Crossing a fairly wide section, midway through the hike.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Just before reaching our lunch spot, we had to cross a deep section. Our guides first figured out the best way to get across, finding a few shallower spots where the flow was not too strong.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Then we stretched out the rope, and got started.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

The last part of the crossing was a deeper pool.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Coming through the deepest point.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Later on, the river widened and got shallower.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Along the way, we saw a few rafts.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

Near the end of the hike, the canyon walls started to get lower.

, Beijing Hikers WhiteRiver, June26, 2011

A flooded pavilion marked our last crossing for the day.